Archive for November, 2008

Thanks Scotty.

November 28, 2008

Well Scotty, you wanted an ego boost.  So here it is in short.  Thank you.

In a longer, and more accurate version: Thanks heaps! Thanks to you and your moderators for filtering through the loads of junk to bring us stuff we really need – free slurpees, free t-shirts, dodgy dell deals. Haha, no, in all seriousness, the Bargain site is fantastic.  I’ve been on it since about day one and a member since july 07, won a few prizes through sheer luck more than anything, and all I can really say is wow – the improvements you’ve made over the time have been really impressive.

I’m sure you already know this, but just in case, with all the scrimping and saving you’ve been able to do with your own site, take the missus for a night out and leave the little one with the grandparents! 🙂

Happy Birthday OzBargain – Ascii Art

November 25, 2008
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